Helmet Armour

The surface protector designed for your helmet.

Protect Your Helmet

If you’re a keen rider – chances are that your Helmet is going to cop a decent amount of abuse. Protect it with Helmet Armour!

Paying a premium for a helmet these days is just a given but protecting it is a must. It’s a proven fact helmets fade out extremely quickly and get dirty very easily. 

That’s why treating them with your Bike Armour Pure Glass Ceramic is a must!

Not only will your helmet look like new - you will be able to keep it much cleaner!

Benefits of using Helmet Armour

Keep Your Visibility

Mud, puddles and rain are no longer your enemy when it comes to visibility. Your helmet visor will be incredibly hydrophobic when treated with Helmet Armour.

Stays new for longer

Saving your helmet from the general wear and tear that will be seen on a ride is going to keep your helmet fresher for longer.

Hygienic properties

Reduce the amount of sweat absorbtion into your helmet thanks to Helmet Armour's hydrophobic properties.

Spring/Summer 2021

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